Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? (Matthew 6:30)
One morning, God told me: “Your money, health, wealth, and your standing are not affected by any election, but rather by your faith in God through His Word. Watch your confession or words in the now and in the future. Don’t be caught up with the affairs of this life. Open your spiritual rather than your natural eyes, for it is God’s anointing that breaks every yoke of bondage.” The Lord’s message is clear: Watch your confession. What we speak must align with what we believe. If we confess fear, lack, or uncertainty, we agree with the world’s instability instead of God’s faithfulness. Your blessings are not tied to anything in the world; they are directly tied to obedience to God.
Jesus reassured us of this in Matthew 6:30, stating that God takes care of what He has created, from the grass of the field to the birds of the air. He then added, how much more will God take care of you? This indicates that our finances, health, and stability are not dependent on elections, economies, or human systems, but rather on faith and obedience to God and His Word.Many believers concentrate solely on what they perceive in the natural. If the president they voted for wins, they expect everything will be fine. If the economy is in decline, they fear everything will fall apart. Here’s the truth: governments change, economies fluctuate, but God and His Word remain true. God operates in a higher realm of authority, and His anointing breaks every yoke and destroys every bondage. When we shift our perspective from fear about what is happening around us to faith in what God has promised, we access supernatural provision and peace.
Practical Application
Refuse to be distracted by the world’s systems. Politics, economies, and world events do not determine your future. God does. Stay informed, but don’t get consumed by fear and propaganda. You can live aware but not afraid.