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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

Favored: The Results of a Good Man

A good man obtaineth favour of the Lord: but a man of wicked devices will he condemn. (Proverbs 12:2)

Goodness has nothing to do with outward appearance. Anyone with a good PR campaign or filters on their phone can make themselves look good. Scripturally, goodness is a heart condition that aligns with God’s purposes and principles. How do you know if you are walking in God’s purposes? The only way is to read and understand the Word. God’s Word is God’s purpose. God’s Word is God’s will. God’s will is His way. Walking in God’s ways is the key to obtaining favor from the Lord.

The antithesis of the good man of this verse is one who is full of wicked devices. The word devices in the Hebrew is mezimmah and means discretion, schemes, purposes, or intents. This describes a person who has premeditated ways to do things contrary to God’s way and God’s plan.

What does God promise to the person who is wickedly scheming? Proverbs 12:2 says God will condemn them. The Hebrew word for condemn in this Scripture stems from the root word rasha and is translated in the Bible as to be vexed and to be guilty. It is a dangerous thing to be seen that way in the eyes of God.

The best way to live your life is in the favor of God, not feeling condemned.

Living in His goodness only comes from knowing His Word and acting according to it.

Practical Application

When you face a hard decision or a stressful moment, ask yourself, “What is God’s good way in this moment”? Asking, “How does God want me to act in goodness during the hard times?” is a powerful question for us to consider so we can live in His glorious favor.

Proverbs 8:25; Acts 11:24

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