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Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

Generosity and Reciprocity

Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. (Luke 6:38)

When you hear the word give, what comes to mind? Do you only think about giving money? There’s nothing wrong with that, but God wants us to do more than give money. He wants us to live a lifestyle of giving. We should also give others mercy, forgiveness, kindness, and prayer. You are sowing seeds into their lives when you do these things. God promised believers that when we have a heart to give and follow His directions in obedience, we will get a return on what we give. The return probably won’t come from the person we gave to but from others who are obedient to what God places on their hearts to sow.

Some Christians are quicker to give something financially than they are to give forgiveness. They are faster to give advice than they are to give help. We must be sensitive to the Holy Spirit about what and how He wants us to give to others. While we know God’s system is one of seed, time, and harvest, we don’t give to get. Genuine followers of Jesus are givers because God is a giver. He loved you so much that He gave you the only thing He had one of, His only Son. If we are becoming more like Him, we should develop a habit of generosity.

God promises that our generosity will bring reciprocity. There will be a return on what you have given. That means the measure of mercy and forgiveness you have given to others will also be the measure of mercy and forgiveness you will receive. So, if you give no forgiveness, expect that there will be a time that someone won’t forgive you. If you are generous in your help and support of others, when you need help and support, God will put it on someone else's heart to help you.

Practical Application

What can you give today? A word of encouragement? A gift that helps someone? Time or energy? Ask the Holy Spirit to put someone in your heart to give to. Follow, obey, and expect to reap a harvest in the future.

Proverbs 11:24; 2 Corinthians 9:6

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