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God’s Great Gift

Writer's picture: Bishop Keith ButlerBishop Keith Butler

Not of works, lest any man should boast. (Ephesians 2:9)

One of the most foundational truths and revelations of Christianity is that we are saved by faith in Jesus Christ. It’s a gift of God. We can’t earn it, but we must receive it by faith. Since salvation is a gift, no one can boast that they are more saved than someone else or that they received salvation because of their own merits, good deeds, or donations.

No one can get to Heaven by following a set of rules well enough or trying to be good. We must have faith in God. The Greek word for faith is pistis and means full reliance and trust. We must rely on and trust in the grace and love of God to receive His great gift of salvation.

Maybe you’ve never thought of this, but Ephesians 2:9 is a great equalizer. No one is more saved or less saved than another. No one was more of a sinner or less of a sinner before they received God’s gift of salvation. Romans 3:23 tells us,all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” All have sinned, but all who accept Jesus are saved. Understanding this should give us hope for others, no matter how far gone they seem to be. Everyone needs the same love and grace that we found in Jesus, regardless of their situation.

Salvation is a gift that God has given to us freely. It is the most wonderful gift we have ever been given and will ever receive. It should also remind us of the tremendous mercy our Heavenly Father has for us that He would extend His love and grace toward us when we were yet sinners.

We do nothing to receive salvation but simply believing and receiving what God has offered toward us.

Practical Application

When you know that salvation is a gift of God and you didn’t work for it, you should be tremendously humble and grateful. Take time today to thank God for His wonderful gifts that He has given, beginning with salvation by grace through faith!

Ephesians 2:5; Romans 4:16

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