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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

God’s Thoughts Toward You

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. (Jeremiah 29:11)

God thinks about you. Never believe that no one sees you and no one cares. God cares. And God's thoughts towards you are not about the wrongs that you have done or how impossible the situation seems. God's thoughts are full of peace and not of evil. His desire is to give you hope for the future.

It's impossible to truly love others if you do not love yourself and see yourself how God sees you. Many in our world are finding it hard to love themselves and see themselves the way God sees them. One reason God had us open our church in Pensacola was to minister to those who are in the Navy and Marine Corps. Why? The United States military suffers 22 suicides every day. They kill themselves because of self-hatred, because of fear, or just because they’ve simply given up.

The epidemic of suicide shows us the urgent need for hope and encouragement for those in the military. Too often, people are consumed by self-hatred and despair and feel like they cannot see any way out of their circumstances.

Suicide isn’t just in the military, though. It’s a real problem in the world at large. But God said in Jeremiah 29:11 that we are called to know the thoughts He thinks towards us. Wherever you are, whatever circumstances are around you, and no matter how bad you think it is, I want you to know that there is a future for you. God has a plan for your life. Don't give up the fight.

The only way for you to change your outlook about yourself and your situations is to get into the Word of God. Then you will hear His heart for you and find His solutions for what you are dealing with.

Practical Application

If you ever find yourself depressed, frustrated with life, or unable to love yourself, get into the Word of God. Listen to messages filled with faith. Get around faith-filled believers and speak what God says about you, not what you feel.

Isaiah 55:8; Psalm 40:5

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