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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

Guardians of Light

And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. (Jude 1:6)

There are many false teachings in our day that tell people they can do all sorts of things in rebellion to what God’s Word clearly teaches, yet still live in God’s blessing. When people teach such things, it is as if they are lifting themselves to a level of revelation or spirituality that is above God, as if they know better than God Himself on matters. Changing the Word of God, going against its precepts, or dismissing its truths will always have terrible consequences.

That’s exactly what the angels did who fell away from serving God. In pride, they decided they knew better than God, or they would do a better job of being God. Discontent with the position they held, these angels sought more honor, more status, and more celebrity than they currently had. This rebellion against God’s way, spearheaded by Lucifer, led a third of heaven into utter and complete disobedience.

It is crucial for believers to understand the gravity of rebellion against God. Angels lost their positions in Heaven and entered the earthly realm. Jude warned us against rebellion and let us know we should examine our hearts and our desire to follow God's Word.

Practical Application

Don’t act like you know better than God. As the angels had a purpose to glorify God and help Him in His plan, we are called to be guardians of God’s way of doing things and glorifying Him in every aspect of our lives. When people try to say that God’s Word is outdated or that their revelation of truth is greater than His, refuse to listen or follow their leading; it is sure to bring destruction.

2 Peter 2:4; Matthew 25:41

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