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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

Judgment and Power

But truly I am full of power by the spirit of the Lord, and of judgment, and of might, to declare unto Jacob his transgression, and to Israel his sin. (Micah 3:8)

The prophet Micah declared that God had anointed him to do four things.

The first thing Micah listed was that he was called to judgment. What does that mean? God assigns leaders to call out sin and evil in the world. This is not hating people, as many assume. Instead, it is done to point out destructive behaviors that cause people to fall away from God’s will for their lives.

Second, Micah was full of might. Might is the ability to do supernatural things and the boldness to step out of what is typical and expected. Operating in might allows the Lord to use you in unexpected and sometimes strange ways. Pastors and leaders must be bold enough to speak the truth even if it is unpopular with the world.

Might connects to the third empowerment mentioned: to declare unto Jacob his transgression. This means calling out specific people for their errors. Again, this was not because God hated them. Christians are not against people who sin. God calls out people’s sins because He has a heart for them, a plan for their future, and wants them to correct their wrongs and be cleansed from their unrighteousness.

Last, Micah, as a leader full of faith, was empowered to call Israel on their sins. That meant prophetically speaking and declaring the sins they were committing as a nation and calling for repentance in the land. As leaders, we, too, are called to speak truth with love and courage. The Holy Spirit empowers us to discern right from wrong, speak the truth, and guide those who listen toward righteousness.

Practical Application

The world around us usually avoids speaking uncomfortable truths. We are called to be bold and courageous in declaring God’s Word. Believe for more boldness as you step out and say what God puts on your heart.

Ezekiel 20:4; Ezekiel 22:2


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