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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

Money’s Testimony

A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things. (Ecclesiastes 10:19)

The word answereth in the Hebrew means it announces, or it testifies. So, Ecclesiastes 10:19 doesn’t mean that money is the solution to all things. It means that it announces and tells on us.

The truth is that money enables us to meet our basic needs, such as food, shelter, and clothing. It can give us access to education and opportunities for personal and professional advancement. Money does serve as a tool. But more than that, money serves as a teller.

Money tells on us. Each time we spend some of our wealth, there is a ledger that testifies to our underlying motives.

Money is needed and useful in this world and can be a wonderful blessing. But an even greater blessing is a feast full of laughter. How we give our money and how we spend it can sow honor into our lives and allow others to see the character that we really have. It’s important that we recognize that our generosity not only meets immediate needs but can also make an eternal impact on the life of someone else.

Practical Application

How can you sow into someone’s life this week or into an institution or group that supports kingdom principles? Ask the Holy Spirit to place someone or some organization on your heart so that you can sow with purpose. Money is a tool that testifies to your faith.

Psalm 112:9; Ecclesiastes 7:11

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