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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

No More Lying

The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek death. (Proverbs 21:6)

The desire to be rich has the potential to drive people to sin to gain wealth. One way people gain wealth is through dishonesty and lying. It happens every day and in almost every industry you can think of. The problem is treasures gained through deceit will never last. The Bible says they are like a fleeting vapor - here one moment and gone the next. When people seek to gain wealth through sin, they risk their physical health and their spiritual health as well.

No amount of money is worth losing your relationship with God. When the pursuit of wealth is the goal of your life, you will find yourself exhausted, dying, and full of anxiety. God’s desire is for us to live in His peace.

Greed will cause people to exploit others, lie to those they love, and use dishonest means to gain what they think they want: money. But the truth is, money will never satisfy them. Money will not give them the peace they desire. It will not give them the joy they seek after. In the end, all it will get them is an early grave and an aftermath of ruin.

This is why one thing the Lord hates is a lying tongue. He knows the destruction that comes from those who use this dangerous means of using and abusing others. Not only will others' lives be damaged, but the person who does the lying will be destroyed.

Practical Application

Are you ever tempted to lie to get what you want? Make a covenant with your mouth to not lie to gain influence or control over people. Be wise and know that truth is always God’s way.

2 Peter 2:3; Titus 1:11

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