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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

Overcoming Envy Through Faith

Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. (Romans 13:13)

In the hustle and bustle of the world, it’s easy to allow envy to creep into our hearts, poisoning our joy as it destroys our God-given relationships. Envy rarely shows up, parading itself as it really is in our lives; it is often masked by curiosity about what others are doing and whispers into our hearts discontentment and bitterness toward others.

Mature believers are called to attack envy head-on. How do we attack envy when it is so silent and tricky? The opposite of envy is having an attitude of honesty and integrity.

Romans 13:13 tells us that those who walk in honesty walk as in the day. Daylight is bright and hides nothing. Daylight destroys shadows of darkness. It rejects the seed of bitterness trying to be implanted in our hearts. Instead, daylight promotes and celebrates those who are righteous and are blessed.

Mature believers know how to celebrate when favor finds their friend. We rejoice with those who are rejoicing.

When we celebrate others’ wins, we destroy envy through faith. Our celebration for others says we understand that the same God who made it work for them is working something out for me as well.

When we acknowledge God is on our side, jealousy loses its grip on our hearts. We are confident that God is orchestrating something behind the scenes to bless us.

Your time of blessing will come. In the meantime, rejoice with someone else!

Practical Application

Who can you celebrate today? Look around for simple or grand ways that God has blessed others and let them know you are excited for them, thankful to be in their lives, and cheer them on. Your celebration is coming soon.

Luke 21:34; Ephesians 4:17

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