Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month. (Joel 2:23)
The prophecy of Joel 2:23 reveals that God desires His people to be joyful and rejoice before the rain falls. True joy is not based on circumstances but on God’s faithfulness. It’s important to remember that the Bible was written when the world was primarily an agricultural society. Thus, rain in Scripture symbolizes God’s provision and restoration from the dryness of a season. Regardless of how you feel right now, God promises a refreshing.
The text refers to two types of rain. The phrase "former rain" refers to the early autumn rains that prepared the soil for planting. The Hebrew word for "former rain moderately" can also mean "teachers of righteousness.” Instruction in His Word prepares our hearts and our lives for harvest.The "latter rain" refers to spring rains, which matured the harvest. It symbolizes the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which allows us to walk in the gifts of the Spirit and bring harvest in every area of life.
God has promised us both the former and latter rain, the teaching of His Word, and the outpouring of His Spirit to bring restoration and abundance. Trust in His perfect timing, rejoice in His faithfulness, and prepare for an outpouring!
Practical Application
Receive the Word as rain. Every time you sit under its teaching and receive God’s instruction, you are being prepared for the increase. Honor your time in the Word by taking notes, listening intensely, and receiving with thanksgiving.