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Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

Resurrecting Hope

For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead? (Romans 11:15)

Paul emphasized that after the rejection of Jesus by most of the Jewish nation, the door of salvation was opened to the Gentiles. It was a significant turning point in God's redemptive plan, allowing people from every nation to come directly to Him through faith in Jesus Christ. However, Paul addressed a question that might have arisen among the Jewish believers: "Have we, as a nation, been forsaken by God?" He answered this question by assuring them of the future restoration and blessing that awaits the Jewish people.

One of Paul’s greatest desires was the salvation of the Jewish people. He compared the return of the Jews to God to the joy and blessing that would come from witnessing a friend raised from the dead. Can you imagine the joy and celebration this would bring?

The restoration of Israel holds profound significance not only for the Jewish people but also for the world. Just as the casting away of the Jewish nation brought about the reconciling of the world, their reconciliation will usher in a time of unprecedented blessing and revival. It will be a spiritual resurrection, a divine awakening that permeates every corner of the earth.

We have the privilege of participating in God's redemptive plan and praying for the restoration of Israel. Our hearts should be filled with anticipation and hope for the day when the Jewish people, as a nation, turn to embrace Jesus as their Messiah.

Practical Application

Set aside dedicated time in your prayer life to intercede for the peace and prosperity of Jerusalem and the nation of Israel. Pray for the spiritual revival of the Jewish people and their recognition of Jesus as their long-awaited Messiah.

Ezekiel 37:1; Romans 5:10

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