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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

Rich or Poor?

There is that maketh himself rich, yet hath nothing: there is that maketh himself poor, yet hath great riches. (Proverbs 13:7)

Proverbs 13:7 presents a seemingly contradictory statement. It says there are rich people who have nothing, but others who are poor but have great riches.

Isn’t being rich having all that you want? No.

Wealth can be an illusion. Although it looks like someone has a life you want because they live in a big house, drive fancy cars and are known by so called “important people,” what you don’t see is that they are dying inside. They have a horrible relationship with their family and worst of all, they have no relationship with God.

On the contrary, the Scripture says those who give their money, sow seed into their church, and into other’s lives and chose integrity over profit and compassion above compensation find themselves incredibly rich. When we invest in those God has put in our path, when we are faithful to the people and the places we believe God has called us to, we can see true wealth that lasts for eternity.

Money is fleeting and can go up or down in value depending on the season, but investing in kingdom purposes and kingdom people will last forever.

The Bible is clear that you will give an account one day for how you invested your time, your treasure, and your talents. Make wise decisions and wise investments about how you spend what you have on this side of eternity.

Practical Application

God’s favor is the most important thing. Evaluate how you are spending your time, your talents, and your treasure this week. Ask yourself, “Am I investing in people? Am I sowing into kingdom purposes? Am I having conversations and moments that will echo into eternity?” Then make adjustment as the Holy Spirit ministers to you.

2 Corinthians 6:10; Revelation 3:17

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