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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

Sanctified, Preserved, and Called for a Purpose

Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called. (Jude 1:1)

Jude, writing his epistle to Christians between 67-80, A.D., mentioned that they were all sanctified by God the Father, preserved in Jesus Christ, and called. These powerful words are not just to those in the first century, but to everyone who follows Jesus.

As a follower of Jesus, Jude identified himself as a doulos in Greek. Doulos means a servant, or more accurately, a slave of Jesus Christ. This isn't a reference to forced servitude, but a willing and complete surrender to the Lord in every aspect of life. It is devotion to God as Master of our directions, decisions, and connections. Although Jude knew Jesus well as His half-brother, once he accepted Him as Lord, he served Jesus selflessly and with his whole heart.

Jude called those who follow Jesus sanctified. This is the Greek word hagiazo, which means to be made holy and purified. Sanctification is not a particular denomination; it's a transformation that happens within every born-again believer. It's how we continue to become more like Christ, and it sets us apart for His service. Jude said followers of God are sanctified and preserved in Jesus Christ. Preserved is the Greek term tereo and it means an unwavering vigilance. It describes the diligence of soldiers guarding something of great value or shepherds protecting their sheep against all odds.

In the same way, Jesus stands guard over us with power, purpose, and commitment. His protection never wanes, even in the face of the worst adversity. When we face challenges, we can trust that Jesus is by our side, guarding and preserving us through it all.

Practical Application

Jude's message to all followers of Christ is clear: we are sanctified, set apart for God's service, preserved by Christ's unwavering protection, and called with a distinct purpose to serve Him with all our hearts and minds.

Luke 6:16; Acts 1:13

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