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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

The Account of Your Words

So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. (Romans 14:12)

The Greek word used here for account is logos. It means word, and it signifies not just a casual record of a single word, but the entirety of our speech. It encompasses every word we have ever uttered. Consider the sheer weight of this revelation: we will account for every word we say. Every syllable, every sentence, every conversation is etched in eternity. Does that make you pause and consider what you said this week?

In Romans 14:12, Paul warned against using our mouths to judge others, for we will give an account of every negative word spoken about someone. Our words can either build or destroy, heal or wound, bless or curse.

Mature Christians must cultivate a heightened awareness of the words we allow ourselves to speak. We should use our speaking for edification, encouragement, and love.

Think about showing God a record of supportive and compassionate words, not hurtful ones. How different that account would be! What an amazing moment we would have!

To safeguard our future and impact the world around us, we must choose our words carefully. Let's make sure our words are an offering to God. We should speak what is helpful and powerful to the situation and the person, not what we feel like. We need our words to live as a symphony of praise and a testimony to the transformative power of God in our lives.

Every word we speak matters, so we must sow them with power and purpose.

Practical Application

When you are tempted to complain, gossip, or speak hate-filled words, pause, and consider the fact that there is an account of your words. Do you want this conversation to be in your account? Choose to speak life, faith, and truth.

Matthew 12:36; 1 Peter 4:5

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