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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

The Courtroom and the Blood

And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly. (2 Peter 2:6)

2 Peter 2:6 talks about Sodom and Gomorrha as an example for all who would walk in ways that are against God’s design and order. This isn’t just a story for us to remember; it's a testament to the seriousness of every choice we make. The story of Sodom and Gomorrha should be a reminder that there will be a day when our acts are judged. In fact, John wrote in Revelation 20:12 about an ultimate courtroom scene. Imagine standing before the Almighty with the books of every deed you ever had done laid open in front of you. In this moment, both the small and great, the mighty and the meek, all stand before God on the equal footing. It's a spiritual trial, a courtroom where Jesus, the greatest Attorney, stands before God the Father as Prosecutor and Judge.

When you think of it in this context, the word judgment takes on a deeper meaning—it's an actual trial—a legal procedure with real consequences. Now, thinking of this may make you nervous or upset or even convicted as you think what your day of judgment may be like.

Romans 3:23 reminds us that all have fallen short of the glory of God. That would not be good news if it ended there. However, we have something greater than the best lawyer in all history—we have the blood of Jesus. For those who are born again, the blood becomes a shield, transforming the guilty into the innocent, transforming those who deserve punishment to those who receive mercy. When the blood of Jesus is applied, the high court of God declares, "Not guilty!" as death and hell are cast into the lake of fire.

What a powerful revelation of righteousness! What a testimony of mercy you and I have! Don’t forget to plead the blood of Jesus and don’t forget to thank Him for His precious gift.

Practical Application

God doesn’t want you to feel condemned about your past, but rather to be led into living a righteous lifestyle because of His great mercy. Thank Him today for His mercy He gives to you.

Revelation 20:12; Matthew 16:27

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