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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

The Day of Reckoning

Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from death. (Proverbs 11:4)

Wealth may seem to be vastly important when you face bills or material desires, but if you have ever found yourself before a judge, you realize the wealth you have gained means nothing at that moment.

You can be the richest man in the world, but one day you will stand before God and there will be a reckoning for what you did with your life. Life and death will have nothing to do with how much you gained through finances, but what you did with what God placed in your hands.

Your money cannot buy your salvation. Your financial status cannot give you the hope and peace that righteousness does.

You will be held accountable for what God has put in your hand. See, your wealth is not just for your benefit, just as your talents are not for you alone to enjoy and your time is not your own. God has given you time, talents, and treasure to fulfill His purpose on your life while on this earth.

You are called to be a living river, not a dam. A dam holds God’s treasure for themselves and refuses to allow the blessings of God to go anywhere but their own life. God gives you the things He does because he wants to bless you and bless others through you.

You are a conduit of God’s blessings and God’s power. There will be a day when God asks what you have done with all He has given you and you will give an account. Make righteousness your focus and get excited to tell God all you have done with what He placed in your hands.

Practical Application

When you are focused on kingdom purposes, God will bless you. If you have been sowing, serving, and speaking for the kingdom regularly, when problems come up, demand deliverance. It is a promise to you from God Himself. So say out loud, “Deliverance is mine.”

Zephaniah 1:18; Ezekiel 7:19

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