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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

The Heart of Faithful Spirits

A talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter. (Proverbs 11:13)

Have you ever known someone who simply can’t keep a secret? They almost bust at the seams when they know something others don’t. They can’t hold it long and they soon tell someone what they know. You do not want to be known as a talebearer.

There are two personality types and characters that are depicted in Proverbs 11:13 - the talebearer and the faithful spirit.

Now, spirit doesn’t mean a ghostly figure or a supernatural being. It’s referring to the attitude, the personality, and the character of a person.

Proverbs has a reoccurring theme of controlling our tongue and being careful about the words we say. This Proverb specifically depicts that a friend that has a faithful spirit does not talk behind someone’s back or tell secrets they are entrusted with by those close to them. The faithful can control their mouths.

Being trustworthy is one of the greatest goals we should have in the friendships and relationships God has given us. So, we need to control our mouths and not talk about things we shouldn’t. We should aim to be confidants that will hold a matter for someone because we want to be known as faithful spirits.

Practical Application

Are you a faithful spirit? Do people know that they can confide in you and trust you with the depth of issues and questions they have? If so, be careful to keep that good name around others by being faithful with what is shared with you. If not, ask the Holy Spirit how you can work on changing your reputation and control your tongue.

Leviticus 19:16; Proverbs 20:19

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