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Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

The Law of Seed, Time and Harvest

And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables? The sower soweth the word. (Mark 4:13-14)


Every action, every word, and every thought is a seed. Your vote is a seed. Your attitude is a seed. Your forgiveness is a seed. Your gifts are a seed. All seeds eventually come back. When we sow with seeds of faith, we put one of God’s foundational laws into motion: the law of seed, time, and harvest.

However, every seed God gives us must undergo a process, and it takes time. Just as natural seeds require time to grow, every seed we sow also needs time to mature. That is why developing patience is vital to living a faith-filled life.God promised that we will reap what we sow. When we sow seeds that support and agree with kingdom principles, we can expect a harvest that will benefit our lives. However, there will be a negative harvest when we sow seeds that agree with darkness. Both harvests take time, so when you see evil prospering, know their harvest is coming just as yours.

Jesus taught that the Word of God is the most potent seed we can sow in our lives and others. We should be habitual sowers of God’s Word, constantly speaking the Word of Life wherever God leads us. When we enter a room, the atmosphere should shift from fear to faith and from helplessness to hope because we carry God’s Word, which always brings a harvest of righteousness.

What are you sowing today? What seeds are you planting with your words, actions, and attitude? There will be a harvest, but it will take time. Trust in God’s process and timing.

Practical Application

Consider your words carefully today and consider the seeds you are sowing. Are they doubt and unbelief? Or are your word seeds founded on the Word of God and His faithfulness?

1 Corinthians 3:6; Matthew 13:37

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