There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. (Proverbs 16:25)
The way that seemeth right refers to the fact that most people rely on their judgment to make decisions. The consequences of this can be significant. It leads us down paths that, on the surface, seem positive at first but ultimately result in destruction and chaos. This Scripture reminds us that we must make decisions based on God’s wisdom and His Word, not our feelings or thoughts.
Human thinking inevitably desires to follow the path of least resistance, the easy way that gets us the most recognition and fame. I see young ministers and people starting their careers who make decisions not based on the Holy Spirit but on their pride and ingenuity. Christians need to “lay things on the altar” and surrender their desires and decisions to God, seeking His guidance in every aspect of our lives. That’s true in relationships, finances, or personal growth.
Then, how do we find the right way? Learn the Holy Spirit’s voice and seek His guidance. He always knows where to go and what to do, and He isn’t trying to hide it from you. Are there areas where you rely on your understanding rather than seeking God’s wisdom? Ask the Holy Spirit and be quiet and listen. Also, pray for God to send wise counsel into your life. Maybe He already has, and you haven’t sought them for direction. Don’t hesitate to ask for guidance when faced with tough decisions. We must live a life committed to seeking God’s wisdom in every decision; that is indeed the road less traveled in today’s world.
Practical Application
Identify specific burdens or decisions you must “lay on the altar” and give to God. This could be a relationship, a financial decision, or something else. What have you done in your power and understanding without seeking His wisdom? Seek God first and then follow through with His direction.