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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

The Power of Your Vote

Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. (Romans 13:2)

God has given us the right to make our own choices in life. God allows people to determine their own fate. Our choices shape not only our destinies but also the collective destiny of our society.

Paul began the thirteenth chapter of Romans by addressing the idea of resisting authority, whether it be the governing powers, social norms, or the divine order of things. He reminded us that resistance to established authority is the same as resisting the ordinance of God—His divine arrangement of life.

In a society run by a representative democracy (like America is), our collective decisions have a direct influence on the direction we take as a nation. Every vote cast is a seed planted in the fertile soil of our nation. It is a seed that will always yield a harvest, whether of blessings or curses.

As believers, we are called to be mindful of how we vote and the choices we make, especially when it comes to government. We should approach our role in voting with a deep sense of stewardship. We must remember that God allows us the freedom to determine our own fate, even if it leads to unfavorable outcomes. But with this freedom also comes accountability. You must determine, do you want to plant in what is good ground scripturally or do you want to plant in the ground of society?

In Romans 13:2, the word damnation in Greek doesn't mean eternal damnation. It means the consequences and judgments that follow our choices. Our decisions should reflect our commitment to creating a society that upholds the values we hold dear as Christians.

Practical Application

When you go to vote, do not make choices based only on what will benefit you, but make them based on Biblical principles. Your vote is a seed and will either bring blessings or curses, depending on what you sow.

Isaiah 58:2; Genesis 8:22

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