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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

The Price of Greed

He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own house; but he that hateth gifts shall live. (Proverbs 15:27)

Many times, when we hear the word greedy, we automatically associate it with someone who is incredibly wealthy, having need of nothing, but refuses to share their wealth. However, greed has nothing to do with how much is in your bank account. There are many people with small bank balances who refuse to share what God has given them.

Some modern men are greedy because they invest their entire lives in the grind of non-stop work trying to get to the top, and their family never sees them. They think they’re doing it for their family, but their responsibility to their wife and children involves more than money. A man should provide for his family, but if all a man cares about is how much money he makes, he is being greedy. His family needs him present. Real provision is when you give your wisdom, your heart, your presence to those God placed in your family.

Material wealth can be a destructive force when it becomes the center of our focus and purpose. Greed is not merely about accumulating possessions; it is living with a mindset that prioritizes personal desires above all else. In fact, greedy literally means someone who is covetous for gain.

This verse in Proverbs is a call for us all to be present spiritually, emotionally, and physically, creating an environment where our family and relationships grow because we pursue and nurture the people in our lives more than we desire to gain material wealth.

Practical Application

How can you sow into the lives of those around you with time, effort, and purpose today? Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you about ways that you can support, encourage, and uplift those He has placed in your life.

Exodus 23:8; Proverbs 1:19

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