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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

The Snare of Speaking without Understanding

But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption. (2 Peter 2:12)

2 Peter 1:12 is one of those tough Bible verses. Peter said those who speak before they understand are acting like mere animals. They don’t use their spirit, or even sound logic, and they don’t apply wisdom to the situation. Instead, they react, and act based on their own fleshy desire to say something. They are being controlled entirely by basic instincts, unleashing their tongues on matters they can’t really comprehend. In fact, the Greek word understand is eido, which is predominantly translated as see, explains they are blind to spiritual realities.

Most people today are quick to speak, but few have much desire to understand. Many times, the very people who don’t want to understand have a great desire to be known by others as wise, to teach others, and to be heard and validated. This creates the epidemic of false teachers we see today. Their doctrine is like dark rainless clouds that hang in the sky but provide none of the nourishment they pledge. They inadvertently lead Christians back into sin because they bring no truth or power with their judgments and false teachings. Just because someone says something is evil or good, based on their background, ego or experience, does not mean it’s so. They must show you Scripture.

Every Christian needs to exercise discernment because there are a lot of wolves in sheep’s clothing, who act as animals and not as logic dictates. We are not called to follow anyone who holds a microphone, has a social media following, or speaks with a powerful voice. Their teachings must align with Scripture. If they cannot support their beliefs with at least two or three Scriptures, then you shouldn’t listen to them. Be careful who you expose yourself to.

Practical Application

Guard yourself against the trap of speaking without understanding. Seek understanding from Scripture, from the Holy Ghost, and from time-tested leaders. Do not speak before you fully understand a matter from God’s perspective.

Psalm 49:10; Psalm 94:8

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