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The Truth of the Trinity

Writer's picture: Bishop Keith ButlerBishop Keith Butler

Grace be to you and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 1:2)

You need to be careful who you allow to speak into your life. Some ministers on Christian television and the Internet that say they preach from a Biblical standpoint, but they purport beliefs and doctrines that stray from Scripture. I am called a Word of Faith preacher because I don’t believe that tradition or manmade ideologies should frame what we believe or adhere to. Instead, I believe the Word alone should be the foundation for our faith.

When it comes to defining the Trinity, we should look to the Bible. Scripture doesn’t support the oneness doctrine that claims that the Father, the Spirit, and the Son are all one person - namely Jesus. This is far from the truth shown in the Bible.

2 Corinthians 1:2 makes a clear separation between God, the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, the Godhead is one in name, aim, thought, and direction, but they are not the same person. When Jesus was on the cross, He prayed for the Father to forgive those who were crucifying Him. If Jesus were the Father, why would He not simply say, “I forgive you”?

1 John 5:8 goes on to tell us that there are three that bear record in heaven - the Father, the Word (who is Jesus, the Living Word), and the Holy Spirit. When Jesus was preparing His disciples for His eventual return to heaven, He told His disciples that He had to go because another Comforter was coming. He didn’t say, “I need to leave so that I can come.” That wouldn’t make sense. Jesus told his followers that the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Grace, was going to come and make things even better.

Yes, God is One, but God is not one person. He is three distinct and separate persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - that operate in perfect unity.

Practical Application – Don’t follow every preacher who sounds good. Research what they really believe and see if it lines up with biblical doctrine.

Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14

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