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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

The Weight of Unbelief

And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. (Genesis 3:6)

Genesis 3:6 opens with Eve standing at the precipice of the greatest decision she would ever make when she was confronted with the desire to partake of the forbidden tree. The serpent's cunning words, dripping with deception, distorted God's truth and enticed Eve to doubt God's Word and His intentions.

During this moment of vital decision making, Adam was silent. He saw the entire interaction between the serpent and Eve, yet he didn’t speak, act, or provide a word of concern or challenge to Eve. He was passive when he should have been actively engaged. His inaction, his failure to intervene, paved the way for Eve's dangerous choice, sending humanity into a future affected by sin and separation from God.

Eve's decision to prioritize the serpent's words over God's command, followed by Adam's choice to prioritize Eve over God’s Word, shows us the profound consequences of unbelief.

This incident should cause us to consider our own ways. Are we, like Adam, passive observers, failing to intervene, or to speak up and address words of caution when we are prompted by the Holy Spirit? Or will we stand as sentinels of the Word of God, declaring His Word and His Way to the world?

Are we, like Eve, swayed by the world's deception of sin, walking away from God’s Word for what seems good at the moment?

God has called you to walk by faith and to follow the pull of the Holy Spirit. When we believe the narrative of the world over God’s Word, acting on unbelief will always have negative consequences in our lives and the lives of those around us.

Practical Application

Who has God placed in your life that is not following God’s direction or God’s Word? Pray today about what the Holy Spirit would have you do or say to help them come back to faith in God and make bold steps to follow Him. Do not follow the ways of Adam and just let them fall to their flesh when you could offer a word that changes everything.

1 Timothy 2:14; 1 John 2:16

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