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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

Vengeance isn’t Mine

Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. (Romans 12:19)

It’s easy to get frustrated by the world around us or the battles we face. Paul encountered many trials and tribulations as he worked in the ministry. In Romans 12:12, Paul gave us three things to never stop doing, even when difficulties come.

Human nature tempts us to seek retaliation when we've been wronged or harmed. It's a human instinct to want to repay evil with evil and to seek justice for ourselves. In fact, that was a part of the Old Covenant way of doing things; it said, “an eye for an eye.” However, as followers of Christ under the New Covenant, Paul advised us to take a different path.

Paul wrote, “give no place unto wrath.” The word give in this context means to yield or allow. Paul encouraged us to allow room for God's justice instead of taking matters into our own hands. Instead of responding to wrongs with anger and vengeance, Paul said we should trust in God’s justice to win out in the end.

Remember, God sees all, knows all, and is on the case to ensure that His way of right prevails over every instance of wrong.

Forgiveness isn’t just for the benefit of the wrongdoer, it’s for your own good. When you live life constantly seeking personal vengeance, it will perpetuate a cycle of harm and hostility to swirl around you all the time. When we take it upon ourselves to punish others, no matter what the cost, we are contributing to the problem, not to any form of resolution. Many believers have been blinded to the powerful truth in Romans 12:19 and become consumed by anger and resentment, which will poison your heart, mind, and relationships.

Sometimes the issue is that even when we give it over to God, we want Him to bring revenge immediately upon our enemies. Understand that God's timing is always perfect. He sees the bigger picture and understands the complexities of every situation far beyond what you see or understand. When we yield to His authority, we allow His wisdom and righteousness to guide us.

Practical Application

When someone hurts you, do not automatically look for an opportunity to fight back, tell them off, or attack them. Take a deep breath, talk to God, and turn it over into His hands.

Deuteronomy 32:35; Leviticus 19:18

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