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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

What does Wisdom Say?

Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise. (Proverbs 20:1)

Proverbs 20:1 isn't about condemnation, nor is it talking about something that would send someone to hell. It’s not talking about sin; it’s talking about wisdom. As mature Christians, desiring to please God and grow in our faith, we need to understand the amazing value of wisdom! This proverb advises believers to examine their choices and make decisions based on God's truth rather than their own desires. Wise living means having an ability to see the consequences of daily decisions.

So, what about drinking alcohol? I have been to places in Europe where they put wine on the table next to me with my food. I do not get upset at them or try to put my personal convictions upon them. I simply don’t drink it. I want to be wise and have the full capacity to use my mind with no hindrances, so I do not drink alcoholic beverages.

When I visit other countries with different cultures, my goal is to respect the people and not judge them based on my beliefs. During my trip to the Middle East, I saw horse flies surround the food made by a pastor's wife because of nearby animals. Now, in those nations, if you do not eat what is prepared for you or placed before you, it would be a great insult to the host. Although it was not my preference and a part of me was disgusted with the flies on and around the food, I simply smiled and swatted the flies away as I ate. My purpose was to honor those around me.

As mature Christians, we must have discernment and understanding as we live a life that honors God first and others second. We should walk in wisdom and in honor.

Practical Application

Are there things you do that you have made an excuse for, but wisdom says you shouldn’t do? Where are you allowing open doors for the enemy to enter that you could avoid if you followed wisdom? Decide to submit to the wisdom of God’s Word and the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Use wisdom and live 100 percent for God.

Proverbs 31:4; Hosea 4:11

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