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The Ministry of Helps is a ministry set in the church by God according to 1 Corinthians 12:28. Its purpose is to provide spiritual needs of the people who participate in worship, study, and social activities.


Many find fulfillment, spiritual growth, enjoyment and even new relationships as a Ministry of Helps volunteer. We would love for you to be a part of this ministry to help those who are in need of support!



The first step in becoming a Ministry of Helps volunteer is completing Helps Training:


  • Helps Training is offered on a scheduled Saturday from 9am to 12pm.

  • When attending the class, we recommend you park in lot “D” and enter through the Main Office entrance (look for the circle driveway next to the chapel).

  • Check the church bulletin for upcoming Helps Trainings

  • NOTE: You must be a WOF member and have completed Helps Training (previously the Encounter Weekend) in order to volunteer.


See below for a list of volunteer opportunities we would like you to prayerfully consider:​​

24-Hour Prayer Center

Minister hope and encouragement worldwide, 24 hours a day, seven days a week



Young adult ministry for married and single adults 18-35


Altar Guild 

Assist with preparations for communion and baptism.



Assist with intramural sports for the congregation.


Campus Ministry

Assist with ministry to college students



Assist with home going services



Assist with audio reinforcement and media duplication


Education Support Ministry (ESM)

orientate attendees for various classes


Faith Book Store

Sell and distribute books, CDs and DVDs


Hands in Service (H.I.S)

Capture the ministry of the Word and convey it to the deaf and hard-of-hearing through sign language and written notes



Greet and seat people at worship services and special events

Lay Responders

Provide noninvasive care for those in need during services.


Lost and Found

Assistance in recovering lost articles


Music Department

Sing in selected choir; play in the band or orchestra


Kidz World Children's Ministry

Assist with ministry services for kindergarten to 5th grade


Kidz World Nursery

Minister in word and song to infants and toddlers



Minister to the lost on the street, in jail, by pen pal, children's hospital, youth, telephone ministry, and nursing home


Parking Lot Ministry

Direct traffic to designated parking ares; direct traffic flow


Ride Providers

Provide transportation to service for the elderly and others 


Silver Saints

Monthly meeting and special activities for ages 60 and up


TV Ministry

Produce, duplicate and administer CDs & DVDs for broadcast and sale.


Youth Ministry

Assist with ministry for ages 12-18


Zest Department

Ministry created to maintain the hospitality and cleanliness of the church facilities

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